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Title Block

The best choice of title block is NO title block, because the title block interferes with moving your schematic around on the page. That is, if you use Select All and then try to move your circuit, the title block in the lower left corner hits the page boundary and prevents movement. To arrange for NO titleblock, Select menu OPTIONS/DESIGN TEMPLATE and pick the TITLE BLOCK tab. Fill in the menu as shown below:

The Library Name and  Title Block Name are made blank.

If you wish, you can add an ECE title block by following the directions below.

This title block can be used to replace the Rose-Hulman block that is the default in Herniter's installation of Orcad Lite. Just copy the zip file linked here: Title Block. Move all the files into a new folder, say TITLEBLOCK. Double click on the OPJ file and then on the ECE_Logo listing to obtain the title block. You then can move this title block to your  library Program Files\OrcadLite\Capture\library\PSpice\user.olb . Here is how to do this. 

Assume you have saved the downloaded file to a folder called TITLEBLOCK

We follow Herniter, p. 55, and the on-line help Orcad Capture User's Guide p. 80

1. Close all projects

2. Create a new folder, say TITLE. Open a new blank project in this folder, also called  Title

3. In this new project Title, select File/Open/Library as shown below

4. In the Library Menu, open C://Program Files/OrcadLite/Capture/Library/PSpice/user.olb.

        Be careful that you have this path, as shown below, because the default path changes with your usage history.

5. Using File/Open Project, open the file TitleBlock you already downloaded by double left-clicking  on the user.opj  file

        Both listings of title blocks should now appear side by side as shown below. File USER is for project Title, and file user.opj is from TITLEBLOCK

6. Leftt-click on the ECE_Logo and select Edit/Copy from the toolbar at the top of the main Capture menu

7. Left click on  user.olb in the USER menu of project Title.opj,  and select Edit/Paste from the toolbar at the top of the main Capture menu

8. The ECE304 Titleblock now is listed as shown below: the project Title.opj has library USER with the new ECE_Logo Titleblock  listed. The downloaded project is user.opj on the right.

9. Save your changes

10. For any project you now can add this TitleBlock using menu  PLACE/TITLE BLOCK

11. Following Herniter p. 51 you can specify this title block to be added automatically. Select menu OPTIONS/DESIGN TEMPLATE and pick the TITLEBLOCK tab. Fill in the menu as shown below: