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Nine-Step Algorithm

(last updated Thursday, March 31, 2005 )


The procedure narrows from general to specific as the steps advance. The double arrow suggests that some interior iteration is needed. All steps require repetition, especially Step 8, to check that we haven't solved the wrong problem, or missed the forest for the trees.

You might be interested in the problem-solving cycle from Dartmouth (pdf 152kB)

A software oriented view of iterative design can be found at usability: "iterative design: the idea that design should be done in repeated cycles where, in each cycle, the design is elaborated, refined, and tested, and the results of testing at each cycle feed into the design focus of the next cycle."

1Patterned after suggestions in Engineering Our Digital Future; G.C. Osak, S.L. Wood, S.C. Douglas, D.C. Munson, Jr., J.R. Treichler, R. Athale, and M.A. Yoder; Prentice Hall, 2004. This book is a product of  The Infinity Project.