Lab 3 - Design of a 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down Counter

In this lab, you will design a 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down Counter using several methods of implementation. The Even-Odd Up/Down counter has a clock input, clk, a reset input, rst, count enable input, cen, and an up/down control input, dir. The counter has a 4-bit output, count, which outputs the current count as a 4-bit binary number. The Even-Odd counter operates as follows:

Lab Procedure

The following provides the steps that you must follow to complete this lab.

  1. Behaviorally design the 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down Counter as an Finite State Machine (FSM). You FSM design should consist of two always procedures. The first always procedure, should implement the state register. The second always procedure should implement the the FSM control logic. In the design of the FSM control logic, you must use a case statement to describe the combinational behavior associated with each state. Use the following module template for the FSM design:

    module EvenOddCounter_FSM(clk, rst, cen, dir, count);
       input clk, rst, cen, dir;
       output [3:0] count; // this is how you declare a 4 bit signal initial Verilog
       reg [3:0] count;

       // parameter used to define states
       // Define the remaining states for your FSM here
       parameter S_0 = 4'b0000,
                 S_1 = 4'b0001,

       // state registers for current state and next state
       reg [3:0] currentstate;
       reg [3:0] nextstate;

       // state register procedure with asynchronous reset
       always @(posedge rst or posedge clk)
          if (rst==1) // initial state
             currentstate <= S_0;
             currentstate <= nextstate;

       // combinational logic procedure for FSM control logic
       always @(currentstate or cen or dir)
          case (currentstate)
             S_0: begin
                // complete logic for state S_0

             S_1: begin

             // complete logic for remaining states

  2. Test your behavioral FSM design be simulating the functionality of the Even-Odd Up/Down Counter for several possible control configuration. You must test the following aspects of your counter design:
  3. Design the same 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down Counter as a structural specified FSM design with two structurally connected components implementing the state register and combinational FSM control logic, respectively. The state register and control logic components can be implemented behaviorally. In designing the control logic component, you must behaviorally specify the functionality by determining the Boolean equations for each output or the component. In other words, do NOT use if-then-else or case statements in your design. Use the following module templates for your design:

    // state register component with asynchronous reset
    module stateregsiter(clk, rst, nextstate, currentstate);
       input clk, rst;
       input [3:0] nextstate;
       output [3:0] currentstate;
       reg [3:0] currentstate;

       always @(posedge rst or posedge clk)
          // your code goes here

    // combinational logic component for FSM control logic
    module fsmcontrol(cen, dir, currentstate, nextstate, count);
       input cen, dir;
       input [3:0] currentstate;
       output [3:0] nextstate;
       output [3:0] count;
       reg [3:0] nextstate;
       reg [3:0] count;

       always @(currentstate or cen or dir)
          // your code goes here

  4. Test your structural FSM design by simulating the functionality of the Even-Odd Up/Down Counter using the same test procedure as before.


You must demo the following aspects or your decoder designs to the TA.

  1. Verilog code for FSM design of the 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down counter.
  2. Simulation waveforms demonstrating correct functionality for behavioral FSM design of the 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down counter.
  3. Verilog code for structural FSM design of the 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down counter.
  4. Simulation waveforms demonstrating correct functionality for structural FSM design of the 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down counter.
  5. You must demonstrate the the behavioral and structural designs are equivalent.

Lab Report

In addition to the standard lab report format, you must submit the following information.

  1. Verilog code for behavioral and structural 4-bit Even-Odd Up/Down counter designs.
  2. Simulation waveforms demonstrating correct functionality for the behavioral and structural Even-Odd Up/Down counter designs. Your waveforms should be identical.