CS168 VLSI Design - Winter 2004

Course Information


Roman Lysecky (rlysecky@cs.ucr.edu)
Office Hours: TR 2:00-3:00 PM or by appointment.
Office: Surge 348


MW 1:10-2:00 PM, Sproul 2339
F 2:10-3:00 PM, Bourns A171


MW 2:10-5:00 PM, Surge 173

Teaching Assistants

Som Neema, (sneema@cs.ucr.edu)
Office Hours: TBA.
Surge 282


Modern VLSI Design: System-on-Chip Design by Wayne Wolf, Third Edition, Prentice Hall PTR
Wayne Wolf's Book Website
Prentice Hall PTR Book Website


Grading for the class will be performed on an individual basis. You will not be competing with the other students for your grade. If all students do well in the class, it is possible everyone will get an A. Your grade is only dependent on the effort you put into the class. Letter grades will be assigned using a 10% scale: 90% and above is correspond to an A, 80% and above to a B, 70% and above to a C, 60% and above to a D, and less than 60% to an F.

The grading will be based on a weighted sum as follows:

30%  Final
20%  Midterm
10%  Quizzes
10%  Homeworks
30%  Lab Assignments


Punctuality: Please arrive on-time to class.

Academic Dishonestly: Any academic dishonesty will no be tolerated. Unless otherwise specifically stated by your instructor or teaching assistant, all course work should be done on your own.

Reading: Be prepared. Read over the material being covered in lecture before coming to class. For the most part, the lectures will follow the organization of the book. Any planned deviations from this order will be announced beforehand.

Lab Attendance: Lab attendance is mandatory for the entire lab period during which you should be working on course related material. If you finish a lab assignment early, work can always work ahead on the next assignment.

Class Mailing List: The class mailing list and newsgroup will be used for all course related correspondence such as course announcements. Furthermore, please address all course related questions regarding lectures, homework, labs, etc. to the course mailing list or newsgroup.

Cell Phones: Please turn your cell phone off before you come to class.

Lecture Schedule



Homework 1: 1-4, 2-2, 2-4, 2-9, 2-13

Homework 2: 3-1, 3-5, 3-6, 3-19, 3-21

Homework 3: 4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-7, 4-8

Homework 4: 5-4, 5-15


Quiz 1 Solutions

Lab Schedule

Labs must be finished on-time. Late labs will not be accepted. A lab report, using the specified lab report format is required for all lab assignments, including tutorials, and is due at the beginning of the following lab period after the lab is due. Individual labs may also require additional information such as schematics, layout, or a summary of results. Please be sure to include this information in your lab report. Your lab report will count for 20% of each lab score.