Kathleen L. Melde

Title: Professor
Adress: Electrical & Computer Engineering
The University of Arizona, 1230 East Speedway Blvd.
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0104
Phone: (520)626-2538
email: melde@ece.arizona.edu

Kathleen L. Melde received the B.S. degree from California State University, Long Beach, in 1985, the M.S. degree from California State University, Northridge, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1996, all in electrical engineering. She is currently a Proessor   in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Arizona, Tucson. From 1985 to 1996, she worked in the Radar Systems Group of Hughes Electronics. Her work experience includes the design and development of phase shifters, RF feed networks, radiator elements and transmit/receive (T/R) modules for airborne phased-array and active array antennas. Her current research interests include high-density circuit packaging and interconnects as well as the development of antennas for wireless communications systems. She holds 4 U.S. patents and has authored or co-authored over 100 technical publications.

Curriculum Vitae

